Breast Lift and Fat Transfer in New York City

Combining a Breast Lift and Fat Transfer for a Seamless Transformation

A surgeon measures a female patient's chest during a consultation for a breast lift and fat transfer in New York City

Femininity and beauty look different for everyone. That being said, the experts at Pearlman Aesthetic Surgery understand that people seeking natural-looking breast enhancement don’t want to choose between improving their breasts’ shape and size. Here’s how our renowned breast surgeon, Dr. Brian Bassiri-Tehrani, combines a breast lift and fat transfer in New York City so you can have it all.

The Role of Breast Lifts

A breast lift (mastopexy) focuses on restoring your breasts and nipples to their original, youthful positions. This precise procedure corrects sagging—or “ptosis”—that can occur with age and hormone fluctuations. Many individuals who lose a significant amount of weight also struggle with sagging in their chest, as weight loss can weaken the skin by damaging its collagen and elastin fibers.

The Role of Breast Fat Transfers

A fat transfer breast augmentation in New York City consists of taking fat from an area like the patient’s abdomen or thighs through liposuction and injecting the natural cells into specific areas of the breast. This procedure focuses on restoring volume to the chest while maintaining its natural teardrop shape.

Many of the same factors that trigger breast sagging trigger volume loss, especially the hormone fluctuations that come with pregnancy and breastfeeding. Estrogen is responsible for maintaining the fatty and glandular tissues in your breasts, so as your body’s estrogen levels decline after you stop breastfeeding, your breasts can return to a less full appearance. The human body also naturally redistributes fat over the years, which is why many patients’ breasts become smaller with age.

A Dualistic, Natural Approach to Breast Reshaping

While a breast lift repositions your breasts, a fat transfer replenishes their volume as a bio-compatible option for breast reshaping in New York City (unlike synthetic implants). While some patients may achieve their desired results from just one of these procedures, many require both, as volume loss and sagging share the same triggers and often occur together.

Our synergistic approach to combining these procedures restores your breasts to their youthful, perky look and feel without requiring extensive downtime or maintenance. Our surgeons focus on restoring balance to your physique, using proven surgical techniques and a keen artistic eye to bring your vision to life.

During your breast augmentation consultation, we’ll help you determine which procedure or combination of procedures is best for you. We’ll also discuss your breast enhancement cost in NYC, which depends on your personalized plan.

Here’s a closer look at what to expect from your first visit with Dr. Bassiri-Tehrani.

Reclaim Your Power at Pearlman Aesthetic Surgery

At Pearlman Aesthetic Surgery, we empower beauty. If you’re contemplating a breast lift and fat transfer in New York City, it’s important to work with world-class surgeons who have mastered their craft.

Trust us, it’s easier—and less expensive—to get things right the first time. Schedule your consultation to begin your journey on your terms.

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