Deciding to pursue breast augmentation to enhance your body is exciting. But, you may wonder what the procedure entails and how it will impact your life.
Pearlman Aesthetic Surgery is here to assist you throughout your breast transformation. The process starts with our comprehensive breast augmentation consultation. During your private consultation, Dr. Brian Bassiri-Tehrani and our highly experienced patient care team will answer all your breast enhancement questions.
Options for breast enhancement
Pearlman Aesthetic Surgery understands that many women desire an aesthetic breast to feel more feminine and confident. And while we can control some aspects of our body with diet and exercise, this isn’t possible with the breast.
What affects breast size and shape?
While genetics primarily determine the size and appearance of the breast, the following factors can affect breast tissue, too:
- Breastfeeding
- Menopause
- Pregnancy
- A history of other types of breast surgery
Our tailor-made breast augmentation consultation
One of the most important aspects you’ll discuss with Dr. Bassiri-Tehrani during your initial breast augmentation consultation is how you want your breast to look, your specific concerns, and your breast enhancement goals.
If you’re seeking to change the shape and presentation of your breast, you may not know what specific type of breast augmentation is right for your body type or age.
Pearlman Aesthetic Surgery can treat the following conditions with our state-of-the-art breast enhancement techniques:
- Small breasts (mammary hypoplasia)
- Volume loss/breast deflation
- Tuberous breasts
- Congenital breast anomalies
Common questions asked during a breast augmentation consultation
Although every patient is unique, there are a few common questions people ask before determining whether breast enhancement is the right choice for their desired body shape.
How much does breast augmentation in NYC cost?
Breast augmentation in NYC at Pearlman Aesthetic Surgery ranges from $9,000 to $15,000.
Which implants feel and look the most natural?
Dr. Bassiri-Tehrani most often uses smooth, round silicone implants for breast enhancement procedures. Silicone implants have a natural feel and shape.
Can I combine breast enhancement with another procedure, such as a breast lift?
Typically, yes. Patients can combine breast augmentation and breast lift. You can discuss your desired results during your consultation with Dr. Bassiri-Tehrani and your patient care team.
We encourage you to use your breast enhancement consultation with Dr. Bassiri-Tehrani to ask any questions about our breast procedures, surgery preparation, recovery time, and anything else you may want to discuss.
We will explain each step of our process to ensure you feel confident about your decision and empowered by your results.
Your specialized breast augmentation plan
Dr. Bassiri-Tehrani and the professionals at our state-of-the-art surgical office are versed in creating individualized treatment plans for every patient we meet.
Our office also has advanced 3D imaging that allows us to do the following:
- Visualize the results your desired procedure can produce.
- Help Dr. Bassiri-Tehrani determine the best size and style of implants to compliment your anatomy.
Next, Dr. Bassiri-Tehrani will discuss your breast augmentation procedure in great depth.
First, he’ll show you where he will make the incision to access the breast pocket, the location (or plane) where the implant will go, and the type of implant he will use.
Our breast augmentation surgeries take place in our custom OR at our Manhattan office. Your surgeon will follow your treatment plan. You can expect a surgery time of 1 to 2 hours, but occasionally, surgery may last up to 4 hours.
Every patient receives a detailed informational packet describing their one-of-a-kind postoperative plan. Dr. Bassiri-Tehrani, our surgical staff, and our Patient Care Coordinator will answer your additional questions.
The following is a typical breast enhancement recovery timeline:
- The day after surgery: You may feel some fatigue and soreness. Patients can control any discomfort with over-the-counter pain medications or medications we prescribe.
- 5 to 7 days post-surgery: You will likely begin to engage in light activities.
- 3 to 4 weeks post-surgery: Most residual swelling will have reduced and faded.
- 4 to 6 weeks post-surgery: Most patients have fully recovered and have resumed regular activities. Your breast will feel more natural and appear mostly healed.
You can expect to take at least 1 week off work. We will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress.
Book a breast augmentation consultation in NYC with Pearlman Aesthetic Surgery
Pearlman Aesthetic Surgery is the premier provider of breast surgery procedures in NYC. Dr. Bassiri-Tehrani, our team’s experienced breast surgeon, is a skilled plastic surgeon. His expertise and extensive medical knowledge are here to create the one-of-a-kind, desired results you want to achieve following your breast augmentation procedure.
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