Skin Care, Botox, Facial Plastic Surgery in New York

Specialist in gloves using facial tool on woman's cheek

Whats your New Years’ Resolution? Love Your Face

It’s the New Year and we are all filled with resolutions about how we will eat better, drink more fluids, exercise and take better care of our bodies. Unfortunately, even if that takes place, nothing will firm up your face or prevent the effects of gravity. Of course using sunblock daily, eating well and avoiding smoking will help but nothing can reverse facial aging. As I tell my patients, gravity sucks.

The face ages in 5 ways, we each go through it. Treatment choices depend on your priorities, tolerance and financial means.

Facial Aging Treatment
  • Skin changes: red and brown spots, wrinkles
  • Lasers, peels, skin care
  • Loss of volume
  • Fillers
  • Dynamic lines
  • Relax muscles: Botox, Dysport
  • Loss of elasticity
  • Surgery
  • Gravity
  • Surgery

You can start small with good home skin care and light office peels. My patients love the myBody myPROBIOTIC PEELTM peel that our office nurse Christine Ross does.
If you “Like” my page on Facebook you may qualify to win a complementary peel.

Other minimally invasive treatments that can be done right in the office chair are fillers and Botox or Dysport. In 20 minutes you can knock off three of the 5 causes of aging. There is really no such thing as a “non-surgical” facelift but many patients can look great with peels Botox and fillers.

Surgery is the next step and can be read about on my website.

Tip of the week: Exercise, hydration and good nutrition can make your body look younger but doesn’t help your face.