Gynecomastia doesn’t just enlarge men’s breast tissue—it can enlarge their nipples, too. Almost half of men struggle with their body image, and at Pearlman Aesthetic Surgery, we’re giving you the power to reclaim your body and your confidence.
Because confidence is power.
Our skilled breast surgeon in NYC, Dr. Brian Bassiri-Tehrani, is outlining the key differences between male breast reduction and male nipple reduction in NYC (and how they can work together).
Male Breast Reduction
Most people struggling with male gynecomastia in NYC want to address enlarged breast tissue, which makes their chest appear more feminine. While liposuction alone may suffice for mild cases—dealing with soft, fatty tissue—more severe cases require surgical male breast reduction in NYC.
In moderate cases where you have no excess skin, we may perform a direct glandular excision, where we create a small opening around the areola to remove dense breast tissue while minimizing visible scarring. In more severe cases where we need to remove breast and skin tissue, we may also suggest a free nipple graft—removing and reattaching the nipple.
Male Nipple Reduction
While some men only struggle with excess breast tissue, others only struggle with enlarged, “puffy” nipples, and some face both. If you’re looking to reduce the size or protrusion of your nipples, we can surgically reshape one or both nipples by removing excess areola (nipple) tissue.
Because the nipples are delicate and contain hundreds of nerve endings, it’s vital that you work with a trusted specialist for your areola reduction surgery.
Here, You Can Have It All
You don’t have to decide between male breast and male nipple reduction in NYC. When you come to Pearlman Aesthetic Surgery, we’ll craft a personalized plan to help you achieve all of your goals on your terms.
As specialists in men’s plastic surgery in NYC, we offer everything from fat dissolving injections in New York City to rhinoplasties (nose jobs) for men in NYC to enhance your masculinity however you see fit. Book your consultation to clear the path toward the best version of yourself—you deserve it.
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