Have you ever wished you could enhance certain parts of your face without surgery?
The good news is that you have multiple options. If you are not quite ready for a facelift or facial implants; a less invasive procedure might be a good start.
Facial Fillers
Fullness in the cheeks is a highly desired feature for women of all ages. Through our body’s natural aging process, we lose volume from our upper cheeks. Injectable fillers such as Juvederm, Restylane, Perlane, Belotero, Radiesse, and Sculptra are effective in immediately restoring that volume, and are becoming increasingly popular due to their minimal downtime, and immediate results. These procedures are performed as outpatient procedures, right here in our office, to fill out any area of the face that needs a little lift, or plumping up.
Not to be confused with facial fillers; Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin are different types of FDA-approved botulinum toxins which are used to relax the muscles responsible for ‘active’ wrinkles. An example of a common ‘active’ wrinkle is what is known as the ’11′ between your eyebrows. We call this an ‘active’ line because it is caused by over-activity of the underlying muscles that you use to frown. In contrast, facial fillers are effective in treating ‘static’ lines which are not due to activity of underlying musculature. An example of ‘static’ lines are the naso-labial folds, which run from the outsides of your nostrils, to the corners of your mouth.
When you visit our office we can show you examples of amazing results of restoring youthfulness without the need for a facelift or implants. The combination of toxins and fillers can shave years off of your appearance both quickly, and inexpensively.
The effects of facial fillers varies by the type of filler used. Some have a duration of just a few months, while other ‘long lasting’ fillers may last up to two years. Some of these fillers have even been reported to stimulate new collagen growth; such as Radiesse and Sculptra. This stimulation of collagen rebuilds the face’s natural support structure, and creates longer lasting effects. The wonderful thing about these products that carry what we call a ‘bio-stimulatory effect’ is that they recruit the help of your body’s own natural materials to rejuvenate your face.
Facial fillers are not meant to correct sagging skin along the neck, brow or jaw line. These cosmetic issues may require surgical procedures (although only a visit to see us can help you be sure).
Facial Implants
If you are seeking a more long lasting solution to your facial features, facial implants are a popular option. In contrast to the injectables that we discussed earlier, which plump up the soft tissues of the face; facial implants go right to the source and give support to what you already have. Facial Plastic Surgeons insert these facial implants at the bone level to enhance your natural bone tissue, supporting the soft tissue above. Because of this, the results of facial implants are much more predictable.
One common method for inserting these implants used by Facial Plastic Surgeons is to make small incisions in discreet areas of the mouth, so the implants can slide into place. Although the procedure is long lasting, it is reversible if results are not optimal for you.
When you make the decision between injectable facial fillers and facial implants, it is important to consider the long-term effects of your choice. If you want a long lasting change, facial implants are probably your best choice. However, you may just want a temporary, or more subtle fix. In this case, the use of facial fillers; with or without botilunum toxins, can produce amazing results.
If you’re considering a cheek or other facial enhancement, please take a look at our WOW Cheeks procedure in this video and call us for a consultation: (212) 380-1541