Perhaps you look tired, even when you aren’t, or maybe the aging process has caused unsightly sagging skin or the dreaded under-eye bags. No matter your reasons for considering a browlift, it’s important to know about the options available , steps your plastic surgeon will take, and the recovery period.
If cosmetic surgery is the way to go, talk to your cosmetic surgeon to learn more about your options and if you’re a good candidate for browlift. Your surgeon will explain the process and recovery to you.
Before your browlift procedure begins, your surgeon will study your facial structure, as different people exhibit slightly differing contours.
During the procedure, your surgeon will make incisions into the skin of your forehead to pull it into a more taught position. Dr. Pearlman feels that the endoscopic browlift is the best and least invasive for most patients.
After the typical brow enhancement procedure, there will be an approximate 2 week healing period during which time swelling and overall discomfort will diminish and surrounding skin in the brow area will begin to take on a smoother appearance. The result? More youthful looking skin and eyes and an appearance of energy and vitality over fatigue.
A browlift is a long lasting and proven method to look more youthful and has been proven safe time and again. Talk to and interview local cosmetic surgeons to learn more about this procedure and if it’s right for you.
Sometimes, even Botox can do the trick. By relaxing the muscles that pulls the brow down, some patients can get results that may be akin to a browlift.
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