facelift revision NYC

The Truth About Facelift Revision | NYC Experts

A facelift surgery is a permanent procedure and when it’s done right, the results are long-lasting and look natural. There are 2 reasons someone might be looking into a facelift revision. 

Typically it’s because many years have passed since their first, and the aging process has continued so they’re looking to refresh. Much less often, patients are looking to correct surgical results they didn’t like.

Avoid needing a facelift revision in the first place

When it comes to cosmetic surgery, you should be seeking out expert care to ensure you have the best experience and don’t need to entertain the thought of a facelift revision. 

Choose an expert surgeon

NYC facelift surgeon Dr. Pearlman wants potential facelift patients to know that they should always choose a board-certified facial plastic surgeon to get the best results.

Be mindful of your recovery

Being diligent with your aftercare instructions during your facelift recovery can help ensure you get the expected results from your surgery.

Take care of your skin

While a facelift is a permanent procedure, the aging process continues. Caring for your skin’s general health can help maintain your results and prevent the need for a facelift revision procedure.

More questions about facelift revision or facelifts in general?

As a top NYC facelift surgeon, Dr. Pearlman is uniquely dual-board certified in both Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (ENT). He spent his entire medical residency and fellowship training in cosmetic surgery, specifically for the face.

Now having been in practice for multiple decades, Dr. Pearlman consistently delivers facelift results that last and look entirely natural.

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Am I a facelift candidate?

Wondering if you’re a candidate for a facelift or which facelift type would work best for you? Try our quick facelift candidacy quiz to learn more about the procedure and get in touch with our surgical team.

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