We are all busy, right?
When it comes to getting and staying in shape, it is not always possible to hit the gym whenever you need to get some physical activity in to your routine.
To help this, here are three great exercises you can do at home to make up for those times and situations when you are stuck inside of your home. Whether the weather has you snowed in or if you are home caring for a sick child, you can still find ways to get some exercise in, even while at home.
The first is to use your stairs. If you have stairs in your home, find reasons to walk and jog up and down the stairs. If you want to make the exercise more challenging, carry items such as laundry as you go.
The second way to exercise at home is to clean. Getting on your hands and knees to scrub floors, reaching high and far to dust and clean windows and really using some elbow grease to clean your home will have you getting both your house and your body in shape.
The third way to get some physical activity in at home is to get up and walk. You can walk or jog in place, just about anywhere in your home. In fact, if you have a favorite television show, use that time to walk, jog and jump in from of the television so not only are you up and moving, you are also passing the time by catching up on your favorite show at the same time.
Getting the blood pumping has all sorts of benefits, including detoxifying the body and purifying your skin’s appearance.
So try one of these three at-home exercises today!
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